The water is wide, I cannot cross o'er, But Neither have I the wings to fly. Give me a boat, that can carry two, And both shall row, my love and I. その水辺は広く 向こう岸へ渡れない 僕には飛んでゆく翼もない 二人を運ぶボートがあれば 恋人と僕で漕いでゆくのに. I leaned my back up against an oak
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The easy, fast & fun way to learn how to sing: You're back in the rain, in over your head Back in the deep, old things unsaid Back in the water, we're back in the water I'm leaving a last call for your heart Begging for so long Won't you come back in the water, back in the water The night fell slowly on our glory days I lie awake to see you … 2020/03/15 2018/11/19 Back in the water, back in the water The night fell slowly on our glory days And when you're hiding on the water I'll be waiting till you're ready for my love When you've washed away your sorrow I'll be right here, till you're ready for the road I'll be on the watch until it's over I'll put my back against the door Your love is easier on the road Not anymore I'm … With creating the HAEVN universe a whole other world opened up for Jorrit and Marijn. It was the first time people could form their own images and emotions whilst listening to the sounds of Jorrit. And for the first time the songs on HAEVN - Back in the Water Künstler/in: HAEVN Album: Eyes Closed (2018) Übersetzungen: Kroatisch, Russisch Englisch A A Back in the Water You’re back in the rain, in over your head Back in the deep over I’m leaving a
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